- (8am)I am going to try and have that good day today. Since that last post I made it close a few times. I usually fall apart around 6pm, and from what I've read there are a lot of reasons for that, that I'll probably write more on in the future, but on top of that I have just made some really bad food choices.
- So far I've had my morning shake, its protein, greens, probiotic/fiber blend, and some BCAAs for flavor. My plan is always to start my day this way and use it to build a good foundation. This lasts until crave something that actually tastes good. Today I will try to not make the same mistakes.
- I've been on a bad run since Saturday night. I decided to attempt a marathon on sunday, not like a actual one, just tried to run 26 miles. Due to a complete lack of prep, and a very iffy knee I made it 21 miles, the last many being a run walk combo (more on that later). The point for now being, knowing I was going to do that on Saturday let me eat dumb Saturday night, and boy or boy Sunday after those 21 miles, I ate and ate and ate. That bled into yesterday a bit to, again more on that in another post. For today I am just going to attempt to eat right, so far so good.
2. (10am) Had a close call, but managed to correct myself before consumption. I really wanted to eat one of these, but look at this.
52 carbs in 1 cookie, 52! 25 grams of super, but you get that gram of fiber and a little protein too. Anyway, I just kept reading that over and considering where I wanted to be with my macros until the overwhelming desire, backed off to a low level need. Then I ate salami and horribly seasoned eggs. Like really bad. Jordan usually loves my eggs, came over took a bite, and like Caesar held her fist out and gave me a big thumbs down. Typically that'd be crushing, but this time it was just accurate.
3. (2:30pm) So I've made it through half my day and I am pretty close to inline with where I like to be. The problem is I don't have a whole lot of good food in the house right now. I have been neglecting my grocery shopping duties this week and if I don't fix this I'm gonna be dumb. I know this because I am always dumb without planning. If I go to the gym without thought I dog it. If I dont plan meals I eat everything. I ate 4 poptarts once. Ever eaten 4 at 1 time? I have never had heart burn like that in my life. I didn't think a poptart would give me heartburn, but apparently I offended my body so much by consuming the nutritional equivalent of floor underlayment and cinnamon flavored elmers glue, my stomach staged a revolt. Deserved for sure. Alright. It's 230, I can keep this going. Next meal is afternoon shake.
4. (6pm) a minor failing. Without thinking I ate a piece of marshmallow. I almost allowed it to spin me out, but I didn.t Onward.
5. (952pm) I'm calling it, it's been a good day. I hit my macros. I didn't eat like an idiot. While my workout this morning wasn't stellar, I did run more than a mile and I am calling that a victory after sundays 21. Night.
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